
Dear visitors.
Thank you so much for all the attention and comments provided so far.

I will be on vacation until July 13th. Responses might be slow to nil. I don’t have an internet connection in the place I am staying – that’s why it is called vacation 🙂

CU soon,

The Nikon D Family 1999 – 2011

In case you are not aware, later this week, Nikon might/should/could/will celebrate the 12th anniversary of the announcement of the legendary Nikon D1. Exactly 12 years ago, on june 15th, 1999 after some other attempts and partnerships Nikon started its solid business journey into digital SLRs. The D1 was born.

Since then, Nikon introduced 28 digital SLRs and more than 50 Nikkor lenses.

Please click here to get to the lengthy article commemorating the first 12 years.

I’ve added some group images, which I assume are currently not available elsewhere on the web.

